Our family feels more complete, now. These last 15+ months have been hard, to say the least. With everything medical, emotional, spiritual…it’s been overwhelming and painful. When Justin got home at the end of October, we knew Harper was old and getting sick. We did not expect that we would be letting her go the first full day Justin was home. Our hearts never fully recovered, and probably won’t. She was our first “child,” and who helped us in ways that are inexplainable. She gave us joy, connection, pushed us to get outside, gave us structure to our day-to just say a mention a few things. We always knew we…
April 24th
Why this day will forever be a day worth celebrating. The lights are really dim in the guest room in my parents guest room because I don’t want to wake my daughter, but I know that I need to write out this post before I go to bed because if I don’t, it wont get done this week. April 24th is coming to a close. This day has always been significant because it was the day that my little brother defied all odds and survived birth and is still alive today. He, just by being with us, is a miracle, so to celebrate him is very special. Zach has a…
In Loving Memory of Georgina Lynn Jones
There were a lot of friends and family that were not able to be there with us for Gina’s visitation and funeral. I thought I would leave this here if any of you would like this time for processing. Click on the highlighted sections to be connected to a playlist created for Gina’s funeral. We love you, Gina. Opening Songs:Let It BeYou Raise Me UpLighthouse Words of Grace and GreetingOn behalf of all of our family and friends, we want to welcome and thank you for coming to remember and honor the life of Georgina Lynn Jones. Let us begin in prayer. Bow your heads. Father God we come before…
Immediately after my first post declaring my challenge to write every day of Advent, I don’t write again for almost a week. I will say, it made for a great title, though, right? I am really digging the parenthasis lately. Anyway, I’ll be honest, this post will be brief. I am exhausted. Partially from the insanity from the holidays, life in general, but a lot from the catatonic state my perfectionism has left me in recently. I have an on going to do list in my mind and if I think too much about it, I get so overwhelmed that I can’t move. It’s like that Kim Kardashian meme of…
The first day of Advent, and the first day of my challenge to write each day leading up to Christmas. I had a different plan in mind to what I would be writing about, but when life comes at you, you adapt. My Aunt died last night. She was my Dad’s sister, the oldest of three. A few years back while I was in Seminary, I got a call in the middle of a class and was told she had a stroke. We didn’t know what that would mean for her in the long run, but my Aunt had always been strong willed and stubborn (a Jones family trait we…
What Do You See?
How do we engage all students? Why does that one student not want to join in? How come, no matter how much they connect with that group of friends, or that volunteer will they not come to camp? Or come to that event? Or jump in on that game? Or help lead in worship? This question will forever be asked by youth workers both in and out of ministry. Most conversations on this topic circle around answers like, “they don’t like what you are playing,” “they don’t like the topic you are teaching,” or “they don’t like YOU!” But. I want to paint a different perspective really quick. There is…
Sick and Tired
I don’t know about you, but I have never understood the difference between allergies and being sick. Yeah, I mean I get that they are different things, but I feel just as bad either way, so when people ask, “What’s wrong? You don’t look so good.” I just say “It’s allergies” and move on. Who knows if it actually is or not. Regardless of if I am recovering from a cold, or it’s just the change of the season, I feel like crap and I can’t seem to get enough sleep. Which, for me, marks the official end of the summer vibes; enter in the fall season. You guys, I…
Square Dancing
Do you guys remember elementary or middle school gym, when you walked in and expected “steal the bacon,” the pull-up test, the mile run, or any or all of the above, when instead you are met with squares made with duct tape on the floor and told to line up boy-girl-boy-girl…then assigned a group and a square to stand around. And, of course, there are more girls than boys, so some girls either had to stand alone, or get paired with the gym teacher and it was humiliating because somehow the boys who were somewhat decent in your class always got nabbed by that girl who somehow radiated confidence that…
In 2009, I went touched down in Austin, Texas for the first time. Walking across the campus of UT Austin for the Hell Froze Over Tournament, I entered the classroom where I was to compete in Poetry along with a group of other collegiate forensics members. I saw a man walk up and give tribute to his brother who had passed away and was also well known on the speech circuit. One of the key words he used in his performance was from “Swim” by Jack’s Mannequin, a song I was familiar with, but never fully listened to. The words stuck with me starting on that day, though. You gotta…
Christians Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations of Love
From when I was young, I had a dream where I would be whisked away by Prince Charming. He would be tall, and muscular, rough around the edges, with a soft spot for me. I could depend on him for anything, and would never have to question his actions, motives, ideas…we would have a perfect life. When I started a relationship with Christ when I was a freshman in high school, this mentality didn’t change. Instead, it became wrapped in the theology I was attempting to understand. If I am x amount devoted to God, then God will provide me with a man (described above). A few years later, I…