Life,  Think

Miss Jones

My first time meeting Sarah was my first day of work at my new “temporary” job. She was sitting in front of a shredder going to town shredding random documents. Being completely honest, she did not seem interested in meeting me, but thought I was a nuisance interrupting her shredding time. She did not really meet my eye when she spoke, but she had a sweet face and smile. She was sporting pretty legit leggings and matching puff vest.

During my time working in this specific classroom, I have gotten close to a number of students. Honestly, the last student I thought I would bond with as closely as I have over this year was Sarah. As time continued I was drawn to her randomness, her love for dogs and pictures, and her contagious laugh. When I finally met her mom, I knew where she got her determination and compassion from. Eventually, they asked if I would start meeting with Sarah once a week to hang out.

As I am sure you have gathered by now, I love my dog very much. I think what solidified my and Sarah’s bond was Harper. Quickly, Sarah claimed Harper as her own; urging Harper to give kisses, but then shrieking in delight “Ewwwwwww!” To be honest, I don’t think she would want to see me as much if I didn’t have Harper-perks of having an awesome dog.

I have been blessed to work with a number of other students who have all fallen in love with Sarah. Eagerly they watch her videos she makes and selfies we take together. They even volunteered to take her trick or treating this year and relished in her excitement for the “gemmis” or “gemmys” we saw throughout the neighborhoods. (Gemmi’s are those electronic figures that are motion censored or controlled by a button to sing, dance, make sound effects, etc.)

After weekly hang outs to farms, graduation parties, pools, road trip vacations to Wisconsin, horseback riding and endless cuddles with Harper, she has stapled herself in my heart. You can’t not love her when you see her. She easily casts a spell on whoever she comes in contact with. Through the laughter (and sometimes tears) she has reminded me of things I have so quickly forgotten in my life.

Some might say her lack of focus is a hindrance, but I would argue that. I don’t think Sarah has a lack of focus, but has a focus on things that really matter. Getting Sarah from point A to point B usually does not go smoothly because she is constantly finding things that are catching her attention, mainly other people. She will stretch her neck and her arms for an embrace of those around her. This notice grips others into recognizing that she sees them. She finds values them. She laughs at the things most of us have been conditioned not to laugh at or find joy in. She reminds those around her to stop and really see small things around them.

My challenge for you this week is to see things as Sarah sees them. Find those around you that catch your eye and make sure they know they are worth recognizing. Laugh at dancing robot Santa’s and jam out to your favorite song, blasting it in your car and singing at the top of your lungs.

When is the last time you lived so fully in the moment that any little thing that catches your attention brings ultimate joy? When you could snap your head back in laughter that brightens a room that others can’t help but be filled with light?

Sarah has taught me a lot of things in the short time that I have known her. However the one that stands out the most is her ability to truly live for now. When she is unhindered by worry, she is able to point out small things that often go missed. I believe this is a special gift that was given specifically to Sarah so she can share the light and love of God to whoever she encounters.

Some might say her lack of focus is a hindrance, but I would argue that. I don’t think Sarah has a lack of focus, but has a focus on things that really matter. Getting Sarah from point A to point B usually does not go smoothly because she is constantly finding things that are catching her attention, mainly other people.

I felt convicted to keep this post short, just because there is so much to focus on right now. I challenge you to devote you attention to one small thing an hour. Maybe it is recognizing your child’s attempt to do something on their own. Maybe it is you getting the urge to do the dishes and actually enjoy it. Maybe it is a friend who unexpectedly texts you with an invitation or encouragement. In all these things give thanks to God for these special moments. By focusing in the now we can appreciate and find it easier to recognize God’s provision, love, and care.

Tell me what or who you have noticed in these small moments. How is God using that or them to show you love or how to love today?