Our family feels more complete, now. These last 15+ months have been hard, to say the least. With everything medical, emotional, spiritual…it’s been overwhelming and painful. When Justin got home at the end of October, we knew Harper was old and getting sick. We did not expect that we would be letting her go the first full day Justin was home. Our hearts never fully recovered, and probably won’t. She was our first “child,” and who helped us in ways that are inexplainable. She gave us joy, connection, pushed us to get outside, gave us structure to our day-to just say a mention a few things. We always knew we…
April 24th
Why this day will forever be a day worth celebrating. The lights are really dim in the guest room in my parents guest room because I don’t want to wake my daughter, but I know that I need to write out this post before I go to bed because if I don’t, it wont get done this week. April 24th is coming to a close. This day has always been significant because it was the day that my little brother defied all odds and survived birth and is still alive today. He, just by being with us, is a miracle, so to celebrate him is very special. Zach has a…
Square Dancing
Do you guys remember elementary or middle school gym, when you walked in and expected “steal the bacon,” the pull-up test, the mile run, or any or all of the above, when instead you are met with squares made with duct tape on the floor and told to line up boy-girl-boy-girl…then assigned a group and a square to stand around. And, of course, there are more girls than boys, so some girls either had to stand alone, or get paired with the gym teacher and it was humiliating because somehow the boys who were somewhat decent in your class always got nabbed by that girl who somehow radiated confidence that…
Going Back to K-Vegas
A few months ago I was notified that one of the professors I was closest with from TSU was retiring, which of course means a mini reunion and a trip to Kirksville, Missouri. This place, where I spent a chunk of my formative years, is somewhere I very regularly joke about. I knew it as a place in the middle of nowhere fixed with a Walmart, Pancake City and a train bridge (it is exactly what it sounds like…a bridge that is suspended over train tracks where we would go and sit for fun). Once I graduated from Truman, I didn’t think I would miss it as much as I…